The Edge

The Pursuit of Awesomeness

The opening of our Customer Service training manual...

First, let's start by defining Awesomeness:

awe•some•ness [aw-suh'm-ness] noun--The quality of being awesome.

Not as helpful as I was hoping. It seems that we need to define Awesome:

awe•some [aw-suh'm] adjective--Inspiring awe.

That was even less helpful, wasn't it? Hmm, okay, so let's define Awe:

awe [aw] noun-- An overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.

Ah ha! That's what we were looking for! So awesomeness, for our purposes here, can be defined as the quality of inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence and admiration towards that which is grand, sublime and extremely powerful. (More or less.) With this in mind, one should realize that awesomeness is not easily obtained. Rather it is a quality that one must nurture and develop, a muscle that must be exercised. It is something that must be actively pursued. For although everyone may stumble into occasional moments of awesomeness, if awesomeness is not the ultimate goal then these moments fall at the whim of fate, outside of our individual control.

Pictured: The Customer Service Team's inspiration for making each day count towards the pursuit of awesomeness.

So now you may be asking yourself what this all has to do you? Why does this strange section titled "The pursuit of Awesomeness" exist? Where are we going with all of this? Well I will tell you...

Here at M-Edge we are chasing the dream! We think awesomeness is, well, awesome! We try to make our products awesome. We think it is awesome that our customers think our products are awesome. We want to treat our customers awesomely so that they keep coming back. We want them to think, to believe, to know that not only are we awesome but that we think they are awesome too!!! Once they realize that then they may tell others about our awesomeness. These others may then decide to give our products and services a try, to see if we can impress them. And if they then find themselves in awe, well the cycle will continue, our circle of customers will grow, and M-Edge will grow with them.

Growing as a business that provides awesomeness--that is the goal. And that is where you come in.

How can you make today awesome? What awesome things can you do for our customers today? In what awesome way can you assist your co-workers today?

So that is your mission, give it some thought. What do you think would be awesome today?